Curfew for Minors will be implemented in the entire province of Cebu as the Cebu Provincial Board approved on Monday, May 23, 2016, the resolution imposing a 10:00 PM curfew effective June 30, 2016 when the new set of elected officials start their term of office.
The Cebu Provincial Resolution or the local law will be imposed province-wide in support of the incoming President Rody Duterte who plan to impose the same restrictions on minors nationwide. The local law follows two independent cities within the province who already imposed curfew on those under 18 years of age. Cebu City already imposed the 10:00 curfew since 1989, while an 11:00 PM curfew has been in place in Lapu-Lapu City since 2009.
During the Cebu Provincial Board’s Session presided by board member Julian Daan, the provincial resolution was approved unanimously. District 6 Board Member Arleigh Sitoy sponsored the resolution “strongly supporting the imposition of curfew for minors in the Philippines.” Cebu Province is one of the few provinces who supported Mayor Duterte’s plans of imposing curfew for minors.
Based upon the Cebu Provincial Resolution it states that “minors do not have any reason to stay in the streets beyond 10 in the evening unless they are accompanied by their parents and relatives for certain occasion.” District 4 representative Sun Shimura, chairman of the peace and order committee, agreed to co-sponsor the resolution.
Board Member Sun Shimura was quoted as saying “I support the resolution since minors right now, they are the ones being used by syndicates to sell drugs and to steal,” Shimura told Rappler via phone interview.