Anchorman and journalist Ben Tulfo blasted the Catholic Church for intervening with state affairs on his show Bitag. Watch the video below.
Maguindanao — Re-elected provincial Governor Esmael Mangudadatu nag sumiti ng listahan ng mga politikong sangkot …
All religious organizations should be taxed since they are using the facilities established by the government. They should not be exempted. Religious schools are imposing high rate of tuition fees from elementary up to college and yet they are exempted to pay taxes. Ordinary people are paying taxes to the government.
President Elect Duterte is a catholic religion. He just correct the wrong doing by the Catholic Bishops and this is all about we called the REAL CHANGE. He would like to emphasize that our bishops must focus on teachng the word of God not to intervene the Gov’t side which had separation of estate and religion. Don’t you know that the catholic is one of the biggest investments in mining, hospital, universities, stock exchange, etc., Supposedly the schools and universities must be affordable or free to the poor people due to tax free by religion. Besides, they accepts donations from previous corrupt officials which owned by the tax payers. Is this a good teaching by our God? President Elect Duterte has been chosen by God to Change everything from evil way to goodwill. Don’t you know even Pastor Quiboloy he can end up their long time friends if they insist to intervene his own decision making in exchange of serving the countrymen. We must broad minded and wake up for the REAL CHANGE.